Islamic School | Scarborough
Established in 1997, we are an Islamic school that offers a variety of elementary and secondary programs in Scarborough.
Building A Better World
One Student At A Time
About Us
Our School
The Salaheddin Islamic School started in September 1998, is a private Islamic Elementary and Secondary school operating in the city of Scarborough, Ontario Canada.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide the best possible educational experience for all our students, to encourage them to become lifelong learners, and to become outstanding, positive, contributing Muslim members of society.
Why Choose Salaheddin Islamic School?
There are many reasons to choose Salaheddin Islamic School:
- Greater opportunity to learn about Allah, Islam and His Messenger Muhammad (sallalaahu alihi wa sal lam)
- Greater opportunity to remember Allah (zikrullah)
- Greater opportunity to pray in jama’ah (increased reward)
- Less worries about discrimination when practicing your religion (e.g. wearing the hijab, praying etc.)
Helping students achieve success and prepare for their future
Islamic Knowledge
At Salaheddin School, our Islamic Studies curriculum strictly follows the teachings of Ahlus-sunnah wal jamaah. All subjects are taught 100% in English medium, except Arabic and French language classes.
In September 2010, we also introduced a full-time tahfiz program, where students spend the majority of their day memorizing the Quran and the remaining time studying English and mathematics.
Become a skilled and proficient hafiz
My children went to some top Islamic schools in GTA (based on the ranking of TDSB and Fraser), however, the sad reality is, all these money making machines are Muslim schools instead of Islamic schools, they do excel in secular education, but, they fail in cultivating Islamic identity.
It was for this reason, I went to Salaheddin, since they have their priorities right, religion is given precedence over secular education without any compromise. Students are suspended or expelled on bullying or bad behaviour, something with any high-end Islamic school is lagging behind since they need continuous cash-flow.
Salaheddin put great emphasis on manners and behaviour to raise religiously educated and practising Muslims those are capable of leading the community. Principal, admin and staff is very productive, knowledgeable and has vision for your children to achieve. Every person or institution has its pros and cons, but Salaheddin has so much good to offer to young minds and hearts that I being a responsible parent have never regretted my decision, may we have more people and institutions like Salaheddin whose primary concern is to make your child a better Muslim and human - in sha Allah.

Really impressed by the Principal of the school.
Excellent people skills and very intellectual. Understands the needs of children and is an advocate for equity.

Namarig Ahmed
"Amazing school mashallah my son learned the 28th, 29th, 30th juz these year"

Mustafa Ismaeel
Went there for a basketball match got a look around from my prespective best islamic school. Good facilities especially the gym. Beutiful they beat another islamic school 54 to 12 teams are stacked as heck. If u go there ur lucky.

Sulaiman Rahman
Mashallah so nice I am a student in it part school part masjid best mosque ever mashaallah.

Mariem Sahroui
Give your child the best tools for here and the Hereafter
Are you interested in enrolling your child in a school that will arm them for life both here and in the Hereafter?
Contact us today for details!